This is your first visit

If this is your first visit to our website, welcome!

Do you have the air ticket and you wish to purchase additional checked baggage or sports equipment, to book a seat, to order priority check-in or order a meal in advance?

You’ve come to the right place.

Enter the booking code and your surname (or the surname of any other passenger) and you can view and book additional services connected with your flight.

You can make the booking for yourself or surprise another by ordering services for them, too.

Your booking will be acknowledged only if the air ticket has been issued and the tour operator or the travel agency issuing the ticket is part of the Trip Manager project. If not, you can ask them to do so; it’s easy.

The payment is made by credit card. Your card will be charged only if all of the services have been successfully booked and confirmed by the carrier. If not, you will immediately get a message about the failure of the booking, and your card will not be charged. If the Credit Card payment fails, the service will be cancelled.

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